What does everyone think about these typefaces for the logo? I originally wanted to do something handwritten and then it developed more into a script font! I then thought (bottom one) that a mix of typefaces could be interesting to show that you can have this bottle of wine with a nice fancy meal or even enjoy it at a bbq in the backyard. What do you guys think????
These were interesting wine labels, the one on the far left would be another possible re-design and the second to the right i really found interesting!
This i think is option 2
This Bloom bottle is option 1 of re-design
i though this was a fun concept of "house wine"
this image came out a little blurry but i thought it was cute
I thought these wine labels were cute, all hand drawn with a hint of color throughout each of them Sorry that some of these are blurry but this is the front and back of Pillar Box Red wine, very clean and simple.
Ok for paige's class im doing my website on the service industry. one of my pages will be about the horrific jaw dropping stories about customers and things they have said and/or did. and another page will be about dos and dont's ie. if you get discounted food make sure you tip on the origional total. So please send me your stories, if you want to remain annonymous email them to michellevillasenor@gmail.com THANKS!