Tuesday, September 30, 2008

13 month cal.

well sailor jerry has inspired me to create my 13 month calender. his simple illustratioins pack so much techique... so my calender is going to be a tribute to him! my months images will be in sailor jerry inspired "flash" that represent the typeface for each month. will be doing all serif fonts and the 13th month will be the sailor jerry month with his original flash. I will also be trying to figure out how to make temporary tattoos to incorporate in the calender. everythign will be hand done since i hardly have ANY drawings in my porftolio.

i already started on two of the months illustrations and is a lot harder than i expected. so all future critiques are welcomed!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What/Who inspires me.

I am inspired by graphic designer blogs. I like to see what is going on in their minds, what is going on in their part of the world, and what interests them. Blogs are a major source of connecting to new artists or new techniques that ive never done/seen.

grain edit
swiss miss
spoon graphics

just to name a few...

I am inspired by artwork that I am not comfortable creating. I like simplicity and mixing hand drawn art or texture mixing it with vector like art.

matte stephens
jason munn

I am fascinated by silk screening. I would love to learn how to create imagery layer by layer, this may help me create the style of work I want to start doing.

I also like looking at interior design magazines and modern furniture. Those kind of structures get me thinking beyond the normal way of doing things.

design milk

Vintage posters are amazing to me, the way it was produced, the layout, the stupid propaganda. I love it

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

two word logo....

OK any suggestions thus far?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

top 50 design blogs in 2007


egg press

they design letterpress and offset printed calendars

i know its late but...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sushi Alphabet!

i will be scratching my texture idea because its too pixelated. if anyone *cough nathan* has any wood grain images and could send them my way i really would appreciate it!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

light box?

Well i also attempted my "light box" if you will, its more like my wall box... I have a hole in my wall where my tv is supposed to go and since i do not have a tv, Vwwah-la! a light box! Here are my first pictures from it. Like Chrissy, my first attempts have come out more yellow tinted. Anyone have any suggestions?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

this is the direction i want to take my sushi alphabet. I found this look on this site from an interview

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Sushi Alphabet

Alright well i "scratched" my chewed gum idea... for now. And this is what i came up with. This is part 1, still more to come!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

this is a really great flickr site

Has a great collection of design

Design and Typography book list

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

im trying to be devils advocate

ok so i just came up with this idea. I figured since im kinda being negative with mccain, i may as well try with obama, just to be fair... SO i came up with this... i feel i need to add more to this but not sure exactly what?

last but not least

I think that maybe the lettering making up the text gives it a lighter feel and goes with the rest, i took all the stuff off and it looked to plain... i dono i deff like this one better

Friday, September 5, 2008

i think im done with this one

what do you guys think?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

images i find interesting

McCain Poster

ok well this is the beginning. does anyone see the bush/mccain image

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

a business card that i like

this was another direction

ok so what do you think

i love this gallery

these guys always have great art shows going on! its a gallery that makes you feel like everyone can be involved. the stuff your stories in a sack is a cool project and the scavenger project!

i just recently went to the sketchbook project. very cool, and you could see the show from the internet!


one of my posters?

these are a lot more time consuming that i expected!!