Thursday, March 19, 2009

biggest challenge yet...

So tweet wants me to re design their site... their site is beautiful as is.. SO challenge. With about 20 sketches later and lots of days thinking about it... the idea im going with just came to me. This is it. any suggestions? I dont think my strength is in web soo just any suggestions with the design is helpful.

Ok so this is what you see when you first go to the site. Each "card" (grabbed this off of their original site) is a roll-over image. When you roll over it the image will glow, you click, and flash takes over the card you clicked on by sliding out and on top of the stack. pretend we clicked on "portfolio".

**still have to think of how to label each card...

So you click on the card it slides over and on top of the others and a white overlay comes in from the right. and stops before the logo. (see below)
The white square on the left will appear (filled with thumbnails images of work) with the first client appearing. the brown boxes on the right are always filled with thumbnails of multiple pieces of work ie. logo, business cards, menus, etc.


Mike said...

Michelle these are BEAUTIFUL. Almost ha s a semi-vintage look to it, gorgeous. Love the color palette, and I love the little bird:)

Jason said...

I checked out the site that they have up right now. It looks good as it is, but I'm not feeling the tiny popup window style of navigation. This could definitely use an update. I like you idea. Are you planning on changing the style of the navigation menu? putting the catagories above picture of building looks kind of awkward especially if tilted. I like the dotted strokes you've added and the card style navigation sounds interesting. I'll be interested to see you put this together.

Anonymous said...

i agree w/ jason that their site is good looking, but a nice looking website is only half of it- you need to make it easy to navigate as well. i think your card idea sounds interesting; just make sure you keep it easy for the user to get back to the main menu. how would they do this? and what would the animation look like for that, if any? i like that you are giving a little breathing room to their current design.

nijabird said...

Hey Michelle--

Your work lately looks great. Liz told me you're a finalist for a national design competition! Congratulations!

Best of luck, n*

Michelle said...

I was googling my name and found your blogsight...I did not know that anyone else had my name (as though its all mine lol...silly of me to assume that! odd thing is that we are both taurus, my bd is 5-13, and Im very artistic. I love your sight. My sight on this same blog is funkyfragmentz. I havent been on it in some time but will try to update. Keep up the great work! Michelle